@TOME2 : Inverse Screening :

CASP10.mol2 - [param]

Each ligand was docked into several models of each receptor. The best complexes found (Reliability) and their associated Kds are presented here.
Caution! The Kd calculated is an approximation and may depend on the size of the ligand. It is calculated on a pre-positioned ligand and does not take into account its insertion into the pocket (possibility of false positives)

Click on Kds for more details on the different complexes and to visualize the favorite docking modes.
Click on the receptors to see how they were modeled.
Tab legend :

    Cells background color: Best complexe reliability [ Good | Correct | Bad]

    ‹ Kd ›: Calculated Kd of complexe with best reliability : [ ‹nMol | ‹μMol | ‹mMol ]
Same results with targets informations